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Hey there!  My name is Hawley, otherwise known as "PetPyves"! I have been creating art and stories my entire life, but my creative journey truly began back in 2015 when I began sharing my cartoons on YouTube. I would have never guessed that PetPyves would come so far in such a short amount of time! Thank you for making this dream possible. Words can't express my gratitude. I hope to change the world one story at time and now you are apart of that journey!


PetPyves   began in a small town in central Florida, United States, where I was born and raised. Recently, I've moved to Wisconsin, United States to start life anew! I am currently 26 years old, graduated college with an Associate's of Arts (until I decide my big major!), and I am a caregiver for elderly & disabled people! I live with the amazing UniverseNoodleSoup and my beloved cat Indiana Jones (Bibby)! I am an adventurer at heart. My friends know I love to travel, dream up expansive worlds and develop lore, and also indulge in video games & RPGs. As far as skills go, I'd like to say I'm the jack-of-all-trades! I practice 2-D animation, digital art, writing, singing, voice acting, composing, sewing, cooking, baking, business, & more. I am a believer of "being the change you want to see in the world". It takes a lot of ambition, motivation, dedication, and perseverance to be an artist but it is worth every high, every low, and every smile I bring to my audience's faces.

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  • @Pet_Pyves Instagram
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About: About


Where Petpyves started and where it's going!


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