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The Moth Boy Empath!
Saturnii Lua from planet Elaria is following in his big sister Mercurii's foot steps by becoming a hero on Earth! Or so he thought. After getting kicked from Phoenix Academy, Saturnii found himself at Brightside amongst Class F. Naïve and a bit airy, this character has a lot to learn if he wants to fix his reputation- and blend in with the other Earthlings!

Meet Saturnii
The Outsider played by Saturniis & PetPyves

Art by Saturniis!
Art by Saturniis!
Brightside: Class F
Dae Dreams & Nightmares
Lucid is the resident crack-head of Class F. They're a loose cannon, always causing trouble and running their mouth until they get their teeth knocked out. With their nightmarish dragon side-kick, Dae, they have superpowers based on whatever they dream of that night. So look out! This kid's redefined what it means to be unpredictable!

Meet Lucid
The Delinquent played by PetPyves
A Forgotten Future
Mus'Jio Sil'Oyphus is from a deserted planet; Novali. Having travelled back in time with limited memory of the events before, all this gentle giant knows is that Halcyon is in grave danger- he was sent here for a reason. "Cursed" with super powers and the returning knowledge of some dreadful future, Mus'Jio aims to completely change this timeline. For better or for worse...

Meet Mus'Jio
The Harbinger played by PetPyves
A Fishy Mission
Lophii Kenta is the daughter of one of Halcyon Bay's most renowned heroes; Tsunami! With her mastery in temperature/pressure alteration, Lophii is the only being on earth who is capable of travelling to the Mariana Trench. Many mysteries lie in the depths of the sea that could mean trouble for Halcyon if Lophii doesn't grow-up and focus on her inherited mission!

Meet Lophii
The Newborn played by PetPyves
Birds of a Fickle Feather
Rogue Raven doesn't follow the rules- despite her father being the criminal mastermind "Black Crow", Raven carves her own path through the alley ways of Halcyon. Sometimes a hero, more often a villain, this character doesn't want a label and will punch your lights out if you try to give her one. What's so wrong with being a "median" anyways?

Meet Raven
The Bull played by PetPyves
Big Muscles, Bigger Heart
Caspian Cassander is the newest recruit for Halcyon Bay's most famous hero team- "The Archipelago". Being the newbie can be tough, let alone adjusting to the surface world! Halcyon sure is different from the Jashwi Kingdom under the sea. Nothing stops Caspian from chasing his dreams- he can and will fight for what he believes in. That's what his mentor, Tsunami, taught him!

Meet Caspian
The Protoge played by PetPyves
Famous Hero Turned EviL?
Kifah Gibbs has grown tired of the cutesy "Cupid" she once was and is trying out the villain life. "Vector" is now sweeping social media as this star takes a fall. Attention hogging, loud, proud, and sometimes bratty, this character can be difficult to get along with. But, she does wear her heart on her sleeve (literally) beneath her influencer façade!

Meet Kifah
The Star played by PetPyves
Escaping the Family Business
Raajih L'Yulf just escaped the villain path she'd fallen down. Her father Gladious, who recently passed, was a famous swordsman and renowned villain of Halcyon Bay. But big sister Rexelle still looms over this Kidah (a race of dragon people) as she tries to maintain the illusion that she isn't attending Brightside to run away from their dark past...

Meet Raajih
The Reformed played by PetPyves
Knight in Shady Armor
Miranda Ridgway, the "Red Sparrow", is a loyal member of the R.O.O.T. organization; which is a branch of the metahuman government A.E.G.I.S. Kind, energetic, and honestly clumsy, this soldier's on a mission to be the class favorite! But her real R.O.O.T. mission remains a mystery...

Meet Miranda
The Solider played by PetPyves
The Bravest hero of All
Ms. Hoshea is just a regular, normal, non-super powered person trying to make a difference in the troubling world of Class F! Inspired by the city she was raised in, this teacher dreams of helping out Halcyon in the only way she knows- tormenting villain-kids with boring lectures and homework!

Meet Ms. Hoshea
The Teacher played by PetPyves
Halcyon Bay: Heroes
Shaping the Heroes of Tomorrow
Most students can agree- Principal Virtue is terrifying. Known for her dark history now reformed into a bright future, this hero couldn't be a better fit for an institution to turn troubled teens into heroes! With Vice Principal Vice at her side, nothing could possibly go wrong! This is Brightside- it's fine. Everything's fine!

Meet Vice & Virtue
The Prinicpals played by PetPyves
A Missing Puzzle Peice
Once a group of 5, now a group of 4 (plus a newbie no one wants to recognize), this hero group has to be the most famous one in Halcyon Bay! With Red Spark as their leader, no other group has ever been as successful. Introducing Dr. Cosmo, a space manipulating sensation, as one of the first transgender heroes of the bronze age. Then there's Tsunami, conqueror of the sea, and Whiplash who, honestly, is just pretty. And fast. There's no reason to mention the other guy who left- these heroes are all we need! (and maybe Caspian)

Meet The Archipelago
A Hero Group played by PetPyves
A Tragic Trio
Once adored by Halcyon, this group has sadly fallen apart over the years. After one of the members, Promise, tragically passed away during battle, Golden Light and Oreille have never been the same. While Oreille has retired to become a teacher at Brightside, Golden Light won't give up that easy. But her grip on her reputation is slowly slipping with every mistake that makes it into the paper...

Meet The Golden Girls
A hero Group played by PetPyves
Halcyon Bay: Villains
Villains, for Goodness' Sake!
Probably the whackiest, most hilarious pair of villains in the Bay area. But don't take their goofy façade too lightly- Killswitch and Enigma are genuinely dangerous and even more intelligent. Killswitch wields THE "Kill Switch" enabling him to swap powers while Enigma harnesses immense mind powers to instill fear in his enemies. Together, they're sure to cause trouble! They've recently seemed interested in these strange space artifacts popping up around the bay...

Meet Killswitch & Enigma
A Villain Duo played by PetPyves
Following the Money
Black Crow has had Halcyon Bay in his grasps for as long as anyone can remember. He's in charge of every shady trade, barter, and exchange the villains of the city conduct- making him the richest man alive. But all the cash won't mean much if he can't convince his daughter, Raven, to stop hero-ing around and take up the family business!

A Villain played by PetPyves
Meet Black Crow
The Songbird Legacy Lives On!
Voted to be the scariest, most powerful villain in Halcyon City in the past, this villain's name is just screaming to be heard! Sylvia's father used to terrorize the city before he settled down to raise her, and she's not going to let that time and energy go to waste. Everyone knows who Shrieking Nightmare is! Everyone! But...not many can seem to remember exactly what he did...?

Meet Shrieking Nightmare
A Retired Villain played by PetPyves
Newsflash: He's Wreckin' the City
Those bizarre headlines you've been reading? It's all him- it's always been him- THE Florida Man! Yes, he's a gator. Yes, he's dressed for the occasion. And yes- he's salty. Okay, we'll be real- this was a joke character that somehow developed into actual lore and Brightside wouldn't be the same without 'em!

A Villain played by PetPyves
Meet Florida Man
Sus Sorcerers
The Redmoons have been around for generations in Halcyon Bay but have now seemed to take a sinister approach to their magical studies. In search of shiny, powerful artifacts, this band of sorcerer grunts seem to be around every dark corner of the city nowadays...guess you can say it's not once every blue moon these guys show up!

Meet THe Redmoons
A...Cult? played by PetPyves
A Cut-throat Legacy
Filling her father's villainous shoes, Rexelle L'Yulf has to be the most savage villain our heroes face. The only one willing to break the unspoken code of not killing people, this acid-spitting dragon is an actual threat. Thankfully elusive, no one's really sure what she's planning...except maybe her little sister, Raajih.
A Villain played by PetPyves
Meet Saber

Will They "Purify" the World?
An eerie group of people turned to stone. They live without bad memories, having them wiped by their beloved deity the "Tarquin". They've recently fused the gemstone that the Tarquin lives in to their prodigy Samuel Kurtis, who, rightfully so, fled the cult after the traumatic event. Now they're in pursuit of their precious source of purification...Oh. And they killed a dog.

Meet THe Tarquin Cult
Another Cult played by PetPyves
Everyone's Favorite
An Essential Class Comfort
What started off as the main character/mascot of a popular kids show in Halcyon, "Comfort Crab" slowly became more and more meaningful to the students at Brightside. You can always find a huggable plush of the crab to comfort you in the classroom to remind you that no matter how many apocalypses are on the horizon, you'll always have friends to lend a claw!

Meet Comfort Crab
A God accidentally made by Petpyves
Met the PCs Yet?
Ready for some "extra credit"? Learn more about the PC classmates and the Masks system by Magpie Games here!
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