Alright so a little update, Currently I'm trying to start practicing to start a voice acting career. By watching twelve and origins I was inspired to start writing my own animated series and start practicing voice acting independently, I am grateful to Holly and all the VA's of morth for inspiring me to start this path. The good news is that I have listened to you guys and I am currently developing "Reaper Aw Man" An am halfway done with the song. Thing is I'm currently a high schooler working in Major league classes as well as writing my Series in the process (Now I know what holly goes through). However, I am confident that I will be able to get the song done very soon, so be on the lookout.
Can't wait for the next episode of origins and all other stuff for this website since this will be the main HQ for everything petpyves, Hope to see more people here and can't wait to start making my own stories
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