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Intandem Volume 1: Issue #4

It's that time again- time for new Intandem adventures! Intandem Issue #4 will be spending it's first month on the internet at its birthplace: Patreon! As all new issues of the story do! You can expect to find the digital download of this issue within a month's time, so mark your calendars for October 14th, 2019 if you're looking forward to seeing where Khiing and Team #4 go next!

If you'd like the see the newest installment of Intandem today, along with the other 3 issues, exclusive artwork, and personalized rewards, considering pledging to my Patreon! For as little as $5.00, you can have access to the ENTIRETY of Intandem plus even more special rewards that only Patreon Pyvlets can get! Intandumb and I hope you all are looking forward to the story's continuation whether you support it here on the site or on Patreon!

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Wait- i have to PAY?


Sep 15, 2019

when u wanna read it but u cant

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