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It's June 2020!

Writer: PetPyvesPetPyves

PetPyves Animation June 2020


It’s a brand new month here at PetPyves Animation, and we are very excited to be getting back on track after the COVID-19 crisis. Almost all aspects of our channel and website have gotten an upgrade and are ready to entertain the masses once more! June marks the beginning of summertime, meaning lots of fun is in store for both you and our Premium members! With better equipment, thanks to the generous donations from livestreams and the constant support through PetPyves Premium, PetPyves is sure to grow and wow you with each and every upload. We couldn’t be happier with the new and improved changes!

Site Changes

PetPyves Premium is a great learning experience for us, and as we have utilized it these past few months we have gathered that it can sometimes be...confusing. Worry no more! Pyves has set up a brand new office in the Help Center page located under the Premium tab to better help those in need! Whether it is site navigation, signing up for PetPyves Premium or unpledging/changing tiers, Pyves can handle it all! Visit today or email us at if you have any questions or concerns!

Coming Soon

June has always been a big month for PetPyves- it was when it was born, afterall! To celebrate PetPyves’ 5th anniversary, we are going to work hard to continue our ongoing story with Origins as well as have a regular upload AND new and improved live-streams! Lots of fun activities in store so stay tuned for updates here on our website or follow us on Instagram @pet_pyves!

Origins: Chapter Seven

The chapter that will change the tide of the series! It is estimated to be released June 25th, 2020 or sooner- just in time for pride month! Rose’s tale is about to unfold…

Running Away M.A.P. parts 14-15

A multi-animator-project we are hosting ourselves; these are the parts we completed! Pyves and I learned a LOT from animating this fast paced, intense scene and we can’t wait for it to be a part of the completed project that should be coming very soon!

PetPyves Premium

Premium Pyvlets! It’s summer fun time here at PetPyves premium! But as tradition is also Reaper month! To celebrate the dark mysteries of the Rift we are having a very interesting theme this month…”Secrets”. There will be goody bags filled with characters that hold the most secrety-of-secrets, PyvesSqueaks episodes that will expose Holly’s own shocking secrets, and of course, character profiles on Origins' most mysterious characters of all!

Not to mention, Premium members get access to all sorts of other amazing benefits each month, such as fun fact posts, access to extra content like our ongoing comedy series “Honest Twelve”, early access to new uploads, and more! Sneak a peek at what it’s like to be a Premium member here!

Creator’s Note

Thank you all again and again for your support! This channel, website, and all of our stories are growing so much this year despite all the chaos and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.


1 Yorum

Wow about June 2020, possible into nothing here.

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